Where to find paleo food in Dublin... and more good stuff to eat.
Ahh it fills me with great pleasure to be able to share these places with you as they were SO good!
The Cracked Nut
So on our first blurry-headed walk into town, the first place that caught our eye was Cracked Nut (71 Camden Street Lower) for the fact they had bone broth written on their A-board, outside. BONE BROTH! It's so relevant, yet still undersold everywhere! However we were only really after a coffee at that time of day, to perk us up.
Upon entering, we were stunned with the array of paleo-friendly drinks, snacks and menus everywhere filling the walls and shelves plus a colourful selection of cold pressed raw juices - to which I very nearly succumbed.
We settled on two turmeric lattes to give us a little buzz. Liam hadn't heard of a Turmeric latte before so he thought it had coffee in it. It doesn't. But it does have some spice to wake you up (works better than caffeine some argue) and we all know turmeric is just a total all round badass, don't we? If you don't, check out what Cracked Nut have to say about it:
On trying it, Liam came out with the wonderfully profound "It's like drinking a curry... a frothy tikka masala broth"
LOL - That's why I love him.
Seriously, though, Cracked Nut is where it's AT. I wish there was something like that in Brighton. Check out their Facebook here
KC Peaches
I found KC Peaches while searching for 'Paleo food in Dublin' - It came up on a list and the pictures of the food looked fit enough that Liam agreed to check it out with me and off we went to find it. It's just down the hill a little bit on 22-27 Nassau Street and has a beautiful sky blue exterior which gives way to a larger, buffet-style restaurant /cafe with an extensive selection of paleo and non paleo hot and cold food including dishes such as lasagne, soups, freshly made sandwiches and the huge salad bar as well as range of hot and cold drinks. So yes, it's not paleo only food so if you know what you will/won't eat for a better way of putting it (I don't like thinking of it as a restrictive diet; it's a choice) then yes, you are in paleo heaven. There's plenty...
I like how in Dublin you can get almond milk easily for coffees. Come on England, catch up! I settled on a medium plate which was around €7 and then the coffee was a couple more. Not bad for a really fit lunch. Underneath the salad on the plate there is sesame pork belly. Hot, juicy and gorgeous.
So give them a little visit too, if you're after a quick lunch. That's the beauty of a buffet - everything is ready. Less waiting time, more eating time and more exploring time. Check out their website here.
Brother Hubbard
Brother Hubbard is situated on the road on which we stayed, so we passed it daily and kept verbally noting and reminding each other that we need to eat there before we went. We decided to do it as our final meal in Dublin - brunch on the Sunday. We arrived and had to wait a little as there was a queue; in hindsight it was busy every time we walked past. So we were seated and we already knew what we wanted to eat having poured over the menu in the window on our first day: It was to be the Eggs Menemen.
Turkish style eggs with feta, yoghurt, dill, chilli, red onion and spinach on slightly garlicky olive oiled sour dough. Yes, this one is not so paleo but hey, can't win them all and it was TOTALLY worth every non-paleo bite.
What I really liked was that they sold alcoholic drinks that you could have with brunch, such as prosecco or prosecco cocktails, like mimosas. I always find that comforting because I know how savage some hangovers can be and just the possibility of a cheeky little glass of prosecco was reassuring. I didn't choose it though, no, I am stronger these days! We ordered two green juices in an attempt to detox (knowing full well there'd be more Guinness to come at the airport before we fully left Ireland!) And they tasted very 'green' as some may say. By that, I mean not very sweet and you could totally taste the celery. That's great though. Go hard or go home. Same applies to health drinks. You wouldn't want your green juice to taste like 7-up or else you might as well just have apple juice, ya get me?
So Brother Hubbard have a cool story and also have a cookbook which was laying around the cafe which has strong Middle Eastern influences (think Ottolenghi but everything comes with sour dough) with a really nice philosophy which I wholeheartedly agree with: Eat more early on, and littler plates in the evening.
Liam grabbed some kind of delectable sticky cinnamon cake (Eating his feelings again) for the road and gobbled it down in one.
So for all your lunch and brunch needs, check them out here
Neon is where we went on our first night as recommended by our Irish friends. It's again on Camden street (same as Cracked Nut) and is Vietnamese street food (Heart Eyes Emoji)
We stumbled in to the busy restaurant at around 9pm on Friday night and only had to wait a little until we could be seated but while waiting we got given some free prawn crackers and sweet chilli dip, regardless of the clear sign that read "€2" - Cheers, guys!
I went for the Kefir Lime Chicken because I absolutely LOVE the fragrant flavour of kefir lime. I always want to cook with kefir lime leaves but never get round to buying them. They are what gives Thai and some Vietnamese curries that distinctive limey, fresh flavour and without them, the result is completely different. The curry was really packed with chicken and vegetables (I hate it when it's mostly sauce and sparse with filling) Liam went for tofu masaman curry which was mild and creamy and we both preferred our own so there were no fights.
The curry and the brown rice came in two cute little boxes like this and there's a stack of bowls on the table for you to just go ahead and mix it all together, however you like. Ok, notice the ice cream cone, yeah?
Now, of course you must realise this was our first night in Dublin and we were excitable and had been drinking all afternoon so in our little pissed states we figured the ice cream cone was for SCOOPING YOUR CURRY ONTO!
Yes, we tried it and yes it was quite nice (and innovative) and it wasn't until we started looking around (only got eyes for each other, see) that we noticed other people had ice creams. What! WE WANTED ICE CREAMS! So I went and bashfully explained to the waitress that I was a peanut brain who had thought the cone was for the curry blah blah embarrassing blah and she issued us two more for The Mr Whippy machine over in the corner which you can serve yourself with. We pumped out a couple of cones and were happy as Larry after that. It's genius! What do you want after a spicy AF curry? Ice cream! Everyone loves ice cream, too!
Super fast, super cheap, super tasty, super fun. Absolute winner. Check Neon out here
The Guinness Factory
Ahh, it had to get a mention, didn't it?! Yes, we did the Guinness factory experience.
I just wanted to share with you how COOL the building itself is. It's designed to look like a pint of Guinness; dark at the bottom of the building and slowly getting lighter until you reach the top floor, on level 7 which is completely flooded with light, The Gravity Bar. I only discovered a liking for Guinness last year which was lucky as I managed a total of 3.5 pints of it in Dublin (When in Rome). I don't really buy into the 'It's good for you' BS because come on, do you KNOW how much sugar goes into brewing beer?! Yes I maximised on the 80/20 rule on this holiday and went for the full 20!
And Finally Home Sweet Home
We shared a lovely little Air BnB apartment very close to the Centre which you can view here that served us very well and we would highly recommend it. It's the basement flat of a huge period house and was quiet, comfortable and very well stocked. I was absolutely over the moon to find a potato masher to make mashed sweet potato one evening to have with our salmon. That's the beauty of self-catering isn't it, you don't have to spend a bomb on eating out because you always have the option of eating in. That image above is our brunch on one of the days. Liam did the eggs. He then immediately went to the shop and bought ingredients to make a batch of pancakes, whipped up a huge jug of batter and proceeded to cook himself pancake after pancake covered in M & Ms! This was after brunch! I think the paleo focus got a bit much for him haha
I hope that's given you a little insight on what's good in Dublin. Please share with your friends or anyone you know who's going there soon, whether they're paleo or not, all these places are worth a try!
In the meantime, follow me on social media to stay up to date with all the latest from RR