5 Ways To Eat Pumpkin!

by - October 30, 2015

A Curry, A Salad, Chips, Fritters & Classic Soup - 5 ways to use your pumpkins this halloween. Don't throw them away and add to the food waste problem! Be as creative as you are with the carvings! No excuses...

So here we are, a pick of 5 creative ideas to use pumpkin. Don't throw it away! Just click on the caption under the photo to go to the recipe and don't forget to share it! let's reduce food waste! 

1. Pumpkin Chips!

2. Straight Up Pumpkin Soup With Spicy Toasted Seeds

Click here for the recipe! 

3. Pumpkin, Quinoa & Orange Salad

Click here for the recipe!

4. Pumpkin & Beef Curry With Spinach, Coconut & Coriander

Click here for the recipe!

5. Bacon Wrapped Sweet Potato & Pumpkin Fritters

Click here for the recipe!

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