Jumbo July: A RRRound Up
A new diet, recreations, three Amys, summer highs and lows, more articles for more magazines and a Peruvian maid!...
Sitting here in bed having just finished a pork chop with steamed broccoli and carrots I think of my dad! this is what I used to cook him when we lived together. So simple yet old school, buried under the pages and pictures of modern cuisine we love to like all over social media and dining out. I'm currently on a very restricted diet - no sugar, beer, wine, wheat, gluten, cheese, milk, lactose, pickles, condiments, grapes, mushrooms, tomatoes (sob) nuts, gravy, stock cubes, marmite, yeast and only allowed two pieces of fruit per day (but more on that later) and it's stripping back to basics. I feel very clean!
The Boy made me this delicious egg pizza the other day - basically an omelet with pancetta, courgette (new favourite vegetable by far! well, something has to replace mushrooms!) peppers, onions and lots of garlic topped with spinach. Delicious!
Still celebrating strawberries! they are just the BUFFEST of berries, aren't they? They are some compensation at least for the poor English summer we are having here in Brighton this year!
The month of July has been progressive! I've got two recipes coming out in a printed magazine, Free From Heaven, which is exciting! you may have already seen them, they are the Soft boiled eggs with a hot and sour cucumber salad as well as the smoked mackerel kedgeree - both delightful and easy.
My two articles for PrimalEye this month were Meatballs on courghetti with a herby tomato sauce and The Wonders of Watermelon - a look into the nutritional properties of the best, brightest, mostly highly printed onto merchandise fruit around. If you haven't already go and check out Primal Eye, all the articles are super interesting new angles on modern living and even if you don't follow a paleo lifestyle there are lots of things you can take from it.
I have been asked to write for a new company who are big in the paleo game - I can't give anything away just yet and have also been interviewed for another paleo website! it's all so exciting. I can't thank you enough for your continued support in reading and sharing my creations.
On another paleo note, I went to an event at Hen in Brighton, with a fellow writer for Primal Eye, Amy from Amy Get That Glow who was such a fun, interesting and hot dinner date! It's so nice meeting new people with the same passions as you and it was in fact Amy who put me onto the clinic I have recently been to who have put me on this diet, so I can only thank her profusely for the insight.
Check out Amy's blog it has lots of amazing information about a holistic approach to curing acne from the inside out. As a previous acne sufferer and still now a little, it is so impressive to see the effort that Amy has put in to document her journey as it's a massive test of strength. What a non-sufferer may think of as 'a few pimples' can really really take it's toll on your self esteem. To the boy who called me pizza face in school: enjoy the karma, dickwad.
The event at Hen was cool, we had to eat with our fingers, caveman style but the food was a little less caveman than I was hoping for as there were chips and lots of breaded chicken! Hen - can you do it again but better please?
Ahh I love my job. Summer in a language school is bittersweet if you are on activities. On the one hand you are walking around in the (sometimes) sun and eating an ice cream talking to super interesting new people from all over the world and BBQing salmon on the beach. On the other hand you are being swamped by a hundred new students who can't speak English asking you where they live. It's like a game of charades it goes like this:
I also went to see 'Amy' at the Duke of York's with some students. Wow. Talk about tear-jerker. When she gets that grammy and you are filled with hope and sadness knowing she just can't cope with the fame and is wired to self-destruct no matter how successfull she gets. Really rang true. Great film go and see it.
Ah ha oh YES! I got business cards printed!!! Slightly over-estimating my business prestige but whatever, you gotta be in it to win it right? set your own value? think big? yes. All of those things. Coming to a handshake near you!
Just before I started this diet (like 2 days) I made some amazing mango and almond energy bites with some Arabian dates given to me by a student because I was trying to get all into fitness (still trying) which have taunted my by sitting there looking all pretty just going "I am FULL of fructose don't you DARE eat me!" so my colleagues got to enjoy those and I made some seeded dark chocolate with sea salt which my brother got given (he is the pudding bin). It was rare to be wanting to make sweet things but I know now why I was craving it, as previously stated: all will be revealed.
I posted this recipe earlier in July, the turkey on a sweet potato mash base with tenderstem and roasted tomatoes which my friend Helen recreated! I was touched! Look how sweet that is!
Also my colleague Amy, who writes the positive lifestyle blog Amynoos, couldn't resist making a batch of the bark and smashed it - you have to smash it really - nice one, Amy!
Please please share if you recreate anything off RR- it overwhelms me with joy and gives me flooooods of encouragement, reminding me that this blog is worthwhile and inspirational! so thank you!
What have you been upto recently? comment in the box below or email me for a chat!
Jenna x