Not Sober November: A RRROUND UP

by - November 30, 2015

Bloody LOVE Belgian beer 

Well, it seems like November doesn't like Sober October because it got me very drunk to compensate for the month off! I think my tolerance went right down but also there was just so much going on! 

Let's start at the beginning with some delicious cocktails to celebrate a visit from one of my oldest and best friends, Johns.

We mixed vodka with frozen berries, mint leaves and soda water to create this refreshing delicious spritz, you should try it! Vodka & soda = minimum hangover! 

I went for a run on a SUNDAY Morning after a night out! Now this is a Miracle! 

Talking of Miracles, we went to see Derren Brown's new show in London, entitled "Miracle" which was utterly fantastic. Really breathtaking. He asks the audience not to give anything away so I won't say too much about what happened except HE MADE SOMEONE LEVITATE AND STOPPED TIME. 

I urge you to go and see it. 
You will be flabbergasted.

The boy cooked me a delicious breakfast - he's a babe. 

Now this a Lol and a half... Darts.

 November has seen me face a darts board on two separate occasions. The first with Kerri on a random "I'll cook you dinner" - turned - "Three pints in Wetherspoons, a game of darts spurred on by local old balding men, before I cook you dinner, Kerri, followed by a rave to some old school liquid drum and bass in the living room on a Monday night" Classic. The second darts came in the form of a family affair, where we had to all have names and theme tunes. We were all standing round looking like paedos listening to Light House Family, it was amazing. I was "Jenna the Jet" and did better than I did with Kerri (who is amazing at darts...and table tennis)

I had some holiday to take off work so did some productive things at home such as cooking these recipes:

I also went for TWO MORE runs, totalling three for November. Let's just say this blog won't be getting a fitness section just yet. Sprinting is the best though, can I just say that? Intervals are the one. Sprint jog sprint jog walk sprint etc. Looks well funny when you're just running around the residential area with a sprint on. You get proper funny looks. 

Before Derron Brown we caught up with another of my oldest friends, Alison, who we met at a Turkish restaurant in Essex
We ate some properly spicy chili which gave me and Lewis the hiccups but Alison got away Scott free with just ONE hiccup?! Has that ever happened to you? It was also quite a Miracle that we managed to get to Essex because the night before we had another good friends 30th birthday which left us very hungover. The answer to combat the anxiety I feel when I must take the underground? Drinking. That's why November's been so boozy, yes that's it. All the necessary use of the underground! I am considering getting hypnotised to combat the fear. It's a genuine, horrible, panic that I get when I think about the tallest escalators in the London underground. I'm fine with other escalators. Have you ever had a similar problem? I think it's heights. Have you ever been hypnotised? Obviously you have to be open to it and I think I am. Kinda want Derron to do it though and only Derron! 

Here's another LOL - we went to see Alan Carr! How funny is Alan Carr?!!!! Hilare! Most of the audience were gay men or women though. He's like a 40 year old middle aged woman off Coronation Street trapped in a male 30 year old's body! He's great, check him out. 

Oh god yeah - I wrote a "How to fix a hangover at work" post under the new section of my blog, 'wellbeing' which got a lot of love, because I'm not alone in it! I was SO hungover after a work meal (not a good look being sick on my colleague's shoes - I owe him some cakes, sorry Andy!) that I was desperately Googling for the answer the next day and wasn't really finding much solace. So I decided that in all my experience I would share with you just what to do when you're sending out that SOS to Google. Easier said than done at the time but I hope it helps.

Did some other foodie bits
This one with my beautiful friend Rosie, who I promised to make lunch for but kept asking her to read me what was next on the recipe because for some reason I couldn't retain the information in my head for more than a minute. She's a babe too. This has feta in it and is LUSH. 
...with more on those to come :)

What else?

Oh yeah, Free From Heaven Magazine printed my Aubergine, Mozzarella & Sun dried tomatoes canapes recipe which was nice :) the second time I've been in there now. More to come hopefully!

The last weekend of November was very boozy and I actually did some travelling. Are you ready for this? I went the furthest NORTH I'd ever been! I went to Chester! Yeah! It was so pretty and we went to this lush restaurant called Moules A Go Go and in that restaurant was THE BIGGEST BOTTLE OF LEFFE I'd ever seen! THREE LITRES! I had mussels followed by steak which was all perfect so I'd highly recommend that place if you're near Chester. Bar staff were jokers too and allowed a photo shoot with the beast:

I also went to a Hari Ghotra cooking night and got invited to the opening of a brand new restaurant so you'll be hearing all about that soon! 

How was YOUR November? What did you get upto? Leave me a comment below or hit me up on social media using the links!

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