Mexican Chocolate Mousse (Paleo)
Mexican Chocolate Mousse
This recipe is piss easy (all you do is put it all in a blender) and the point of this recipe is to show how easy it is to create desserts that are interesting, different and actually beneficial. It's vegan, paleo, gluten-free, and dairy-free. Imagine eating a whole tub of chocolate mousse and then feeling completely guilt-free. Instead of all the thoughts swimming around in your head - shit, so much cream, so much sugar, so much fat etc.... Boys, if you were to make this for your lady for Valentines day, or any time, she would THANK YOU! (cue blowie - cocoa IS an aphrodisiac!)
So here it is again, the product I'm recently showcasing from The Chilli Shop, which featured first in Chilli Honey Glazed Chicken with Lime, Mango & Coconut Quinoa & Spiralized Courgette. I was a little apprehensive about using this product in chocolate mousse as it does contain garlic and balsamic vinegar (far down) in the ingredients list, haha! But they are SO small and when combined with the cocoa, coconut and avocado, are totally undetectable - TRUST - I'm not into garlic desserts. All you take from this is the heat of the chilli and the sweetness of the honey.
2 ripe avocados
1/2 cup of coconut milk
1/3 of a cup of chilli honey - this gives you the sweetness and the kick
1/2 cup of cocoa Powder - Green and Blacks makes it sexy
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
Until it's silky smooth
Then serve in whatever vessel you like (it looks pretty in a glass) and is delicious topped with tart raspberries